Pandemic Advent Prayer #2: Joy

ChristKindelesmarkt, Nuremberg, Germany, Circa 1973: awed by a display of beautifully crafted Christmas decorations, my eyes settle on five girl angels, each wearing a white dress with gold polka dots.  One is playing the piano; one the flute; one a trombone; one is singing, and another is missing an arm at the moment, and I

A Somber Post-Election Day

I’ve been a regular blogger for PSYCHOLOGY TODAY since 2009, assigned to writing blogs related to Overcoming Child Abuse.  But I haven’t written one since June 28, 2019, when I wrote about the inhumane treatment of children at our nation’s border and what we could do about it. After that what more could be

Telling and Yelling Today

When I was a child and teenager I had a recurrent nightmare that terrified, I was on a wild merry-go-round with my older brother.  He was rather detached and complacent, looking back and forth between me and our father as if to say “what’s the matter with her ?” But I was crying and screaming, begging my

UKCSAPT Panel Member Speaks to Barbra Streisand

Dear Barbra, Like you, I was born and raised in Brooklyn. But today I’m thinking about our connections to London – yours, in preparation for the Hyde Park concert this summer; mine, in 2015, when I worked on the judges panel of the UK Child Sexual Abuse People’s Tribunal, where I heard the anguishing stories